Bridge Program

Bridging the gap from Rancho Ebenezer to independent adult life by fostering development of personal responsibility and practical life skills

Our Bridge Program focuses on a transition from life at Rancho Ebenezer to being independent young adults. We want to provide them with opportunities for education at our local college while guiding them on how to balance life, work, school, and integration into a new phase in life.

Your financial support directly impacts their opportunity for success. Come be part of their success.

Help support their Growth

These young adults are stepping out in faith and WGO is here to help them figure things out in life. Through the Bridge Program Parents, they will learn bus routes, how to juggle school and work, and how to be successful. Your donation directly helps them achieve that. We need your help to get the next level.

A transition to Adulthood.

Most youth transitioning out of centers in Central America leave between the ages of 12 to 18, repeating cycles of poverty and family dysfunction, often returning to habits of street life as the only way to sustain themselves without family support, employment opportunities, or assistance programs. Though the young adults leaving Rancho Ebenezer are better equipped than most of their peers with bilingual education, job skills, and social support; life in the capital city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras is quite different from the rural community where the children grow up. Recognizing the needs of this vulnerable population, WGO developed the Bridge Program in 2003 in order to equip young adults to transition to total independence under Christian mentorship. As youth in the care of WGO approach 18 years of age and high school graduation, they are given training to prepare them for independence and the opportunity to apply for the Bridge Program, which includes financial, practical, relational, and spiritual training aspects along with four months’ stipend, a place to live, and discounted rent as they get on their feet. Over the years, this has taken place in an apartment style building rented and run by WGO as well as in partnership with other ministries addressing similar needs of youth in transition.

The goals of the Bridge Program are to foster the development of personal responsibility and healthy relational abilities, and teach the practical life skills necessary to be productive Honduran citizens with continued emphasis on Biblical character formation. Bridge Program participants’ first challenge is to obtain full or part time jobs in Tegucigalpa, a transition eased by their training in the vocational education program at Rancho Ebenezer. Their new incomes and accountability for budgeting, along with great discounts on living expenses, allow them to save significantly toward total financial independence. Participants are also encouraged to study at the university level and/or learn formal trades, as tuition costs are covered through the program. We are thankful to God and proud to say that many of our graduates are working professionals in fields such as education, hospitality, sales, program management, social work, childcare, and Christian ministry. Of 41 graduates ages 18-36, at least seven of them have earned college degrees, one is a tradesman, and an additional fifteen are studying at the university level. More importantly, the seventeen who have children are raising them in loving homes.